Equipment used for filming
The Tripod I used was provided by college and it is VELBON DF-61. This tripod proved to be very useful as its big structure matched the balance of my heavy camera very well. It was easy to use as I could make smooth pans without any difficulty and it was a good substitute for a steadicam.
I had an opportunity to borrow a camcorder from college which was the SONY HANDYCAM HDR-CX250E. But after deliberating, I decided to use my personal camera instead. This camera is the CANON EOS 600D. I decided to use my DSLR for a number of reasons. Firstly, the camera is takes videos in the correct aspect ratio of 16:9. Secondly, it has a manual focus which enables me to create things like depth of field with the focus which cannot be done on a camcorder. Thirdly, it performs well in all lighting, even dark, which the SONY camcorder doesn't. Additionally, it has a complex lens which lets you zoom in and out more extensively than a camcorder can. Finally, and most importantly, it is renowned for taking not only high quality photos but also HD videos. As I'm a perfectionist and someone who pays attention to detail, I felt it appropriate to use my camera so I could have footage in the highest resolution possible so it will look more like a professional music video when completed.
I plan to use this same equipment for my second filming session as it worked extremely well and there were no faults. Plus, as the camera belongs to me I am not depriving other people from using the college cameras for their coursework. Its also much easier for me to use in comparison to the camcorder as I've had it for six months, so I've had plenty of time to learn how to use it.
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